
Round Square Zoomを主催




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 Thank you Kogakuin for hosting today’s RS Postcard

Thank you to student hosts Mahiro and Annabelle from the Junior & Senior High school of Kogakuin University, and their RS Rep, Chiho Nakagawa who hosted a fantastic “Let’s Talk Together” Zoom Postcard today on how we spend our free time.

Students from 15 schools across the RS network joined in with more than 70 participants online representing RS schools in Japan, Pakistan, Australia, Jordan, Colombia, India, Peru and the USA. Students were asked to share in advance of the call photos or written example of the things they do, or the places they go with their friends in their free time. On the call our hosts shared the contributions and invited participants to talk about their photographs and experiences, before answering everyone’s questions about life in Japan.

We found out how social activities have changed over the years in Japan, learned about participants’ passion for rollerskating, dance, keeping fit, going to the beach, painting, going to see movies, sports, horseriding, pets, crafts, music, community service and much more. We discovered a shared love of playing chess, eating and reading, were introduced to a pet dog and discovered differences and similarities in our social activities.


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今回Round Square自体がコロナの影響によりキャンセルとなり、もともと行く予定だったオーストラリアにも行けなくなってしまいました。私自身とても楽しみにしていたので残念でなりませんでした。今年はこのような状況なので前代未聞のZoom上でのセッションを実施し、Zoomに参加してくれる人たちと交流をするという形になりました。世界各国から約75人もの人たちが参加してくれて、そもそも人が集まるかどうかも不安だった私にとってこんなにもたくさんの人が参加してくれたことが何より嬉しかったです!今回私たちが決めたテーマ(議題)は”What do you do during your free time"でした。テーマだけを聞くととても単純でこれについて話して本当に楽しいの?これについて話す意味があるの?と思う人も多いかもしれません。でも、世界各国の人々がいま現在、コロナであまり自由に外出できなかったり、大変な状況の中あまり堅苦しい議題で参加してくれる人達がつまらないなと思われてしまうZoomにはしたくなかったので、参加してくれた人達みんなが笑顔になれて、高校生が今の状況だからこそ気軽に話せる内容を...というのをモットーにし今回のテーマに決めました。作成しZoom中に共有した日本の高校生についてのプレゼンテーションでは少し日本の文化的な要素も取り入れながら一生懸命、参加してくれる人達が楽しんでくれるように工夫しながら二人で念入りに打ち合わせをし作成しました。みんな楽しんでくれるかなととても不安でしたが、参加してくれた人達みんな私たちが想像していた以上にフレンドリーで優しく、少し緊張気味だった私たちを温かい目で見守ってくれました。私たちが作成したプレゼンテーションにも日本の高校生についても興味を持ってくれてとても嬉しかったです。今回このRound Squareでの経験はとても濃いものとなり、これから生きていく中でこういった経験は自分の中で糧となり自信にも繋がったのではないかなと思います。 (高2 M.S.)

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I would like to write my thoughts on hosting the round square meeting on June 17th together with my friend Mahiro. The topic for the meeting was “How do you spend your free time?”Before the meeting I was very nervous and worried if everything will go well. However all my worries were not necessary. The meeting started off with a presentation on “How Japanese high schoolers has changed multiple times over the years” We talked about how their fashion tastes changed and how the way they spend their free time changed as well. After our presentation we moved on to our main topic “How do you spend your free time?”. We tackled this topic by first asking our fellow students before hand to send us pictures and simple paragraphs on how they spend their free time. Then we invited them to elaborate more on the topic. Through this activity we were able to have heart full conversations about how we are spending our time during this pandemic, how much we enjoy spending time with our friends and learn about each other’s cultures differences and similarities. My favorite moment from the meeting was when the meeting had sadly come to a close and the students would leave with thank yous , sweet comments, and smiles on their faces, which made me feel very happy and accomplished knowing that many people enjoyed their time. I am very grateful for the opportunity to host this meeting as we were able to meet so many friendly and positive people, learn new things about different cultures, see how others are trying to help those around them and how the meeting was able to brighten days during this pandemic. (高2Y.A.)




