
カリフォルニアFlintridge Sacred Heartから交換留学生

アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州、ロサンゼルス近郊にあるFlintridge Sacred Heart Academyから、先月、留学生を受け入れていました。これは、ラウンドスクエア加盟校同士の交換留学です。留学生のケリーさんは、授業や行事に参加し、クラスメートと和やかな雰囲気で過ごしました。ホストファミリーの皆様をはじめ、お世話になった皆さま、ありがとうございました。


Thank you for having me in Kogakuin for the past 3 weeks. I had so much fun and gained more experience. The first day when I came to Kogakuin I was so nervous because everything here was so different from my school. People in Kogakuin are very nice and kind. My favorite classes are Philosophy and Physic. I never had Philosophy before but I found this class very interesting and make me think harder. Same as a Physic teacher, he is very nice which encourages me to participate more in class. Another thing that I love about Kogakuin is the food and snacks. I bought food every single day, my favorite snack is chocolate biscuit, strawberry milk, fried chicken, udon…. It tasted super good and I can’t resist eating it. There is a few classes in Japanese that I can’t understand so I asked my friends and classmate. My class was shy and quiet, so I tried to talk to everyone first, in reality, everyone is very nice and funny. My favorite part of the day is hanging out with my friend every day after school we eat Takoyaki, drink boba, eat ice cream… After this exchange, I got addicted to Takoyaki. Moving around by train and bus is a great experience for me, I went everywhere by transportation to school, Shibuya, and places in Tokyo. What is special while I was here is that we went on a school field trip to the Tokyo theatre to see Japanese drama. Even though I didn’t understand but it was a great experience for me to know more about Japanese culture and arts. My family host is super caring and nice, I appreciate them a lot. Ms.Gamage makes delicious meals and cares for me so much that I felt like a second family to me. After this exchange, I feel like I had grown up more and I would visit Japan again in the future.