インドのラウンドスクエア校、SAI Internationalとの毎週金曜日の定期セッションが続いています。活動は協議の場から協働実践の場へと進んでいます。
先月はインドのNational Reading Dayに際して、文学、特に本について語り合いました。驚いたことに、双方が議題とした読書に関する懸念点が同じでした。さらには、その懸念点を説明する実例として取り上げた作品も同じでした。地球規模で作品の映画化という現象が起きていることを実感しました。
We related our favorite books and discussed about the debate between books and movies. I was surprised to know that the students in India have a lot of interest in Japanese literature—they had actually researched about some of the famous authors in Japan and presented their findings for us. We shared a lot of common ground and both ended up discussing about the Harry Potter series as an example for the book/movie debate. I really enjoyed expressing my ideas about books, because thinking philosophically about books as well as about knowledge in general is what I really love doing, and I usually don’t have much places and people whom I can share my ideas with. So I was overjoyed to know that my ideas were being appreciated by people on the other side of the world. This was only my second time to participate in this program, but I already am loving how this program stimulates myself to think about different topics that we set for our own selves, and how it allows me to have the chance to immerse myself once a week in diving deeply, apart from our usual schoolwork.
先日の話し合いでは、Round Square の信念のひとつであるServiceについて共同で取り組むことが決まりました。まずは、インドのSai International Schoolでの奉仕活動実践とその企画過程について話を聞きました。