

米国ニューヨーク、マンハッタンにあるRound Square校、Trevor Day SchoolからGwen Chuさんが留学生として来ていました。高等学校2年生の授業や高尾山強歩大会に参加し、日本文化と学校生活を楽しんだことと思います。留学生の感想をご紹介します。

As my exchange experience begun, I knew I would face many adversities, but overall be able to learn and be exposed to the true culture of Japan. Living in a new home, going to a different school, and visiting many cities has allowed me to fully immerse myself during my stay. I experienced much culture shock in comparison to NYC, some examples being the vending machines on the side fo the road, the public restrooms, the cheaper prices of everything, and the cleanliness of trains. I also get a different understanding of how other students my age go through their daily lives, going to school, hanging out, and the activities they do on the weekends. My school experience has been nothing but welcoming and have taken me in as if I were a regular student.

My main prooject/most intriguing aspect of Japan was the food and I am glad I have been able to try so many delicacies here. My favorite has been hot Udon, BBQ, and my lunch bento everyday. I have also been able to indulge in all the fun snacks and fruit drinks which surpasses anything back at home.

Thank you so much for making my abroad experience amazing and allowing me to join the class. - Gwen