Hi, I’m joining in Gleeson. Last time I wrote about my school program so this time I will write about my school life . In morning I always join to my care group, this is like a homeroom class but we don’t take classes together. We move the classroom in each classes, so my class mete will change. This is good chance to make wide connection. When we finish the class we need to go to next class as fast as we can because we don’t have 10minutes brake. One class is 45rminutes so and we have 7 classes in each day, I think this system is efficient because we can study many subject in one day. We have recess and lunch, in this time I eat some food and snacks with my mates. If we end all classes we can go back home, so that mean we don’t get together with care group. I use school bus to come school and back to home. My school bus driver is very kind, example he always talk to me and he memorized my face. Also he stop the bus at near the house for each student.
I think Australians are forgiving, and Australia have many factor that makes them forgiven. So I will introduce some of the factor. First Gleeson have large area and there are no tall buildings nearby so we can feel the sky big. I think this is the biggest factor that makes Australians forgiving. Second, it is slow that the sun goes down. So we can go out and do something longer. Third is that many people go back home early so they can have own time. I came here and I have many time that I can use freely, this is good for organize my feeling.
There is only half the number of days left so I will try to enjoy more than ever. Also my friends birthday was very fun. Thank you for reading to the end. See you at Japan.