オーストラリア、クィーンズランド州サンシャインコーストにあるラウンドスクエア校、Matthew Flinders Anglican Collegeの生徒たち23名と一緒に都内を散策しました。グループに分かれて行きたいところ、したいことを話し合い、浅草、秋葉原もしくは原宿、そして渋谷を巡りました。
私は頻繁に都心には行かないため、Matthew Flindersの生徒たちと一緒に観光しながら仲良くなれたのがとても楽しく、良い経験になりました。電車に乗れなかったりパスモを失くしたりとトラブルは多少あったけれども、みんなしっかり動いて対応できたのがとても嬉しかったです。日本人の私よりもアニメに詳しくて情熱的だった生徒さんをアニメイトに連れて行ったらとても楽しそうにしてくれて、いい経験になったといわれたのが、これからも思い出に残ります。またこのような機会があればぜひ参加したいと思いました。
It was very fun and enjoyable, especially because I got to know a lot about Australia, and their schools. They also gave us really cute kangaroo plushies. I didn't know where to take them, but they were very enthusiastic so it's almost like they were touring me. If there was a chance, I'd love to see them again!
The Tokyo tour I did was super fun. At first I was worried if I can lead my group and have fun with everyone but at the end of the day we all felt so attached that saying goodbye was really sad for us. The members from that school were all very generous and I had a remarkable time with each one of them. I will gladly do this again if I have an opportunity. Communicating and hanging out while meeting everyone one for the first time was an experience I have not much experienced. I would love to do this again.