
Costal Impactで高校1年生が日本の海洋について発表

4月末日、インド中東部ブバネシュワルにあるラウンドスクエア校、Sai InternationalSchoolの主催するPower of One Environment Summitに本校高等学校1年生が参加し、日本の海洋生態系保護のための取り組みについて発表しました。この会議には、インド、オマーンアラブ首長国連邦、日本から12校、約200名ほどが参加しました。


インド、ゴアにある海洋生態系保護NGO団体、Costal Impact創業者のVenkatesh Charloo氏の基調講演の後、日本とアラブ首長国連邦の学校から海洋生態系保護のための取り組みを発表しました。日本からは津波による被害とその回復の仕組みを紹介しました。



Since I had a huge interest in science, especially about environmental issues we have today, it was a great honor for joining this conference, which was held in April 23rd.

By joining the discussion about the Conservation of The Marine Ecosystem, I was able to know how the world and individuals can tackle this serious problem. The Keynote Speaker has informed me a lot about the fact and his experience throughout seeing the real scenes of marine organisms suffering from litters made from human activity. He also told us about other things about marine organisms, and it was very interesting to listen!

As a representative of Japan, I have done a presentation for what the government has been doing to conserve the marine environment, so it was a good opportunity for me to know about new technologies and about my country Japan. I believe this was a great opportunity for me to know more about the Marine Environment and Ecosystem.



I personally really enjoyed listening to the people from SAI and other schools presenting about how important the ocean is to the environment . Although I wasn’t able to make my own presentation due to difficulties with time I really enjoyed hearing and learning from the presentation they gave because there were somethings in the presentations which I wasn’t aware of. For example the discovery of plastic bags near the sea floor which one of the presentations explained really surprised me.I usually thought that pollution in the oceans were around the surface and never thought about the effects on deep sea life. I also really liked the way people presented their presentations because it also explained the mortality of humans polluting the ocean and causing suffering to animals who can’t do anything when caught in a plastic bag and forced to slowly suffocate.  Overall I really liked listening to other people present and I’ll like to participate in that again.

