
Round Square Zoom Postcard主催

本校高等学校1年生が、ラウンドスクエアのZoom Postcardというイベントを主催しました。Traditions and Globalizationをテーマに、90分間のオンライン会議を世界のラウンドスクエア校生徒を対象に企画運営しました。





前回ホストをやらせていただいた時はBaraza Leaderの役割を全うできなくて悔しかったですが、今回はその経験を踏まえつつ、先生とラウンドスクエアの先生のアドバイを参考にし、無事イベントを終えることができました!今回の Zoom Postcardイベントは、伝統とグローバリゼーションというテーマのもとで、pre-work activityやBarazaでそれぞれの考えや実際の体験などを共有・話し合うことができ、とても楽しかったです!!Barazaは30分という短い時間の中で行われたので、参加者たちの意見をもっと引き出せればよかったと思います。次になにか参加させてもらう時は更にいいBaraza Leaderになれるように頑張りたいです!


I personally had a great time with this event. It went very smoothly then expected and because of that I was able to speak in my group relatively relaxed. I also got to meet people who had backgrounds from several small island nations and I got to know about their thoughts and opinions on the topic. Overall I had fun and I’m happy that I got to participate in this.




Our topic that we chose, "Traditions and Globalization," was a perfect one for an international zoom session because it induced every one of the schools that participated to share their own particular culture and traditions while engaging in a discussion on how globalization imposes itself on them. We especially focused on listing out the pros and cons of globalization for traditions in our baraza sessions, and I was surprised to know that most people who participated generally had a positive view on globalization. Of course, one important reason backing this positive view is that globalization can help promote one's country's traditions, as mass-audience-oriented platforms on the internet allows everyone to share their story with the rest of the world instantly. Also, some countries argued that the implementation of international laws as one result of globalization ensured all people in their country to have equal rights, and many people agreed that peer interactions between countries could benefit each country in terms of their culture and humanities. But perhaps the most striking point made was that for some countries such as Bermuda, globalization itself was what created their own distinct culture, as immigration constantly brought new layers in their culture until they all became a part of the very identity of that country. As one participant in my baraza group from Colombia noted, to make use of globalization as a platform of sharing—and creating—traditions requires a certain type of strength. This strength must appear not only in one’s own pride or love traditions, but also involves the strength tolerating other cultures and always having a mindset that seeks to learn something new. Through the differences of so many cultures in this world, one comes to understand that those differences themselves are what gives value to one’s own culture that one grew up in. Appreciation of traditions—especially one’s own—and globalization are therefore inseparable.



