昨日、日本時間8時より、高等学校2年生インターナショナルコースの生徒がRound Square Zoom Postcardを主催しました。Round Squareとは、IDEALS(Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership, Service)の理念に共感する約50か国、200校ほどが参加する国際私立学校連盟です。本校は正会員校であり、コロナ禍、オンラインで多数国際交流を実施ししています。会議はオンラインで実施されますが、その招待状を葉書様式で作成するため、Zoom Postcardと呼んでいます。
Thank you to Junior & Senior High School of Kogakuin University for today’s RS Zoom Postcard
Thank you to our excellent student hosts Mahiro and Annabelle, and to RS Rep, Chiho Nakagawa, for this week's Round Square Zoom Postcard from Junior & Senior High School of Kogakuin University, on the topic of ‘Self Confidence and Identity’
The call brought together more than 80 students from 14 schools in Japan, USA, India, Canada, Armenia and Korea. On the call, our hosts invited participants to share experiences that make them feel empowered and those that make them uncomfortable, and offered one another positive encouragement through discussing their strengths and weaknesses.
インド、カナダ、アルメニア、韓国、アメリカ、オマーンなど14校から80名の生徒が参加しました。今回の主催した会議のテーマは、’Self Confidence and Identity' 自己肯定感と自己同一性です。コロナ禍、新たな日常の中で、人は自分自身と向き合い、新たな自分の姿を感じることがあると思います。自分自身が自信に満ち溢れているとき、またその逆を世界の同年代と共有し、皆が自分のありのままを受け入れることを願っての実施です。
The event was about self confidence. We discussed about when we felt the least confident and the most confident. We then shared how we give ourselves or others confidence. The event was mainly conversation, where we (the hosts) would ask the participants their least and most confident moments in the comments. We then chose random people and asked them if they wanted to elaborate on the topic. We then ask how the participants boost the confidence of their self or those around them. We asked them to use the reaction button to indicate that they wanted to speak and chose them.
We planned for this event by first discussing with each other about what we would talk about and how we would organize the call. We specifically discussed the order of how we run the event and made a presentation based on that plan. We also asked participants to think about the topic before the event, so that when we talk about the topic everyone will have an idea.
The event had 2 parts. In the first part we used the presentation that we created before the event to explain the event topic, activity, and the rules. We also shared our examples of when we felt the least and the most confident. The second part was where we asked the participants to share their least and most confident moments in the comments. Then we would read as many comments as we could and ask them to elaborate more.(Yui Annabelle Akiyama)
We did encounter a few challenges during the event, but the biggest challenge was how we were going to involve the participants into the conversation. We couldn’t ask people to speak freely at any moment as that would cause everyone to talk at once. Therefore we chose to use the comments and the reaction button as a way to tell us the person wants to talk.
The long term outcomes of this activity is that I got to learn more about how to feel confident in myself and that there are a lot of other people that feel the same way as I do.(Yui Annabelle Akiyama)
I would like to write my thoughts on hosting the round square meeting on January 13th together with my friend Mahiro. The topic for the meeting was about self confidence. Since this was my second time hosting a round square meeting, I was not as nervous as I was the first time but was actually more excited to meet the members of the call. The meeting stated off with our presentation. In the presentation we talked about what the meeting was about, our least and most confident moments and the rules for the meeting.
We then asked the participants to share their least and most confident moments in the comments. We then randomly chose people to elaborate more about their moments. It was very empowering to listen to everyone talk about their experiences and how they boost their confidence. Overall I think the meeting was a success and am very grateful for getting the opportunity to host the meeting again with so many amazing powerful people.(秋山由生)
今回も昨年度に引き継き、RoundSquareのPostcard Zoomのホストをやらせていただきました。今回のテーマは自己肯定感とアイデンティティーについてです。新型コロナウイルスで気持ちがダウンしている高校生たちの力に少しでもなれればなと思いこのテーマに決めました。ミーティングではまず初めにホストの私たち自らの自信を無くす時、自身に満ち溢れているときについて私たちの実体験を含めて考えをシェアしました。そのあとに参加者の方々から考えをシェアしてもらうという形で全体のミーティングを進めていきました。高校生の悩みは万国共通勉強のこと、自分自身の容姿のこと、それから人間関係についてでした。たとえ住んでいるところが地球の反対側だとしても共感できることがたくさんあったので、すごく嬉しかったです。新型コロナウイルスの影響もあり、人々が暗くどんよりとした気持ちになっている今この世界でこのようなテーマでミーティングを開けたことをとても光栄に思います。(齊藤真尋)